Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Boot Camp!

This past Saturday, a group of about 120 Reps from my local area, plus surrounding states (several of whom flew in just for the event) gathered to participate in a day of fun, teamwork, and training. We got training in all of the business basics (sales, bookings, host coaching, and recruiting) from some of the top Reps in the company. It was also lots of fun. Here are some pictures of the day. You may see some faces you recognize. Girls from our team who attended were Jennifer Tracer, Lisa Zehm, Michelle Harvey, Deanna Geier, Lisa Pokswinski, Amanda Gibson, Trisha Stanton, Leanna Murphy, Erin Dolan, Alison Hildebrand, and myself.

This event could become a traveling event, so if you are interested, email me, and I'll pass it along to the company!

Marcy Shroder & Stacy Sova (director of Sales training)


The 3 winning Relay teams

My Red Team!

The Pink team with Leanna & Erin (2nd and 3rd from R)

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