Here are our top achievers for the month, with some special accolades thrown in for exceptional work:
Top PV
1. 2024 Deanna Geier (WA)
2. 1121 Renee Tesoro-Dang (HI)
3. 1062 Jennifer Tracer (WA)
4. 862 Amber Dummar (UT)
5. 850 Amanda Gibson (WA)
6. 808 Stacy Hastings (WI)
7. 757 Jennifer Norberg (WA)
Top Group Volume
1. 11474 Stacy Hastings
2. 5078 Jennifer Tracer
3. 4685 Deanna Geier
4. 3485 Annie Tintle
Top Recruiting
1. Deanna Geier (WA) with 3 new Reps!
2. each with 1 new Rep:
Trisha Stanton (WA)
Amanda Souder (KS)
Amberlyn Coulson (UT)
Meredith Bergersen (WI)
Jennifer Tracer (WA)
Alison Hildebrand (WA)
Kathy Butt (UT)
Welcome New Team Members!
Leanna Murphy (WA)
Gina Koinski (PA)
Annie Elkins (UT)
Karen Gulbransen (WI)
Charlene Van Cott (WA)
Sheridan Davis (WA)
Sharleen Dibley (WA)
Erica Corbin (UT)
Janis Collett (WA)
Brenda High (WA)
Newly Qualified Reps (qualified is when someone has accumulated at least 750 PV) Congrats, this is a big achievement!
Bethany Friedrich
Jordan Smith
Kirsten Barrows
Teri Nole
Cherilee Ramsey
Jan Mortensen
Best Spa Class Average
Jennifer Norberg 757 (WOW--That's $1081 Retail!)
Special Acknowledgement

This month, Jennifer Tracer gets the extra recognition for her outstanding improvement. This month, she had 10 Active lines, and personally qualified 5 new Reps!!! Excellent work, Jenn! We're impressed!
A job well done in a Holiday Month. Excellent achievements to all. Keep working towards those goals, and keep checking in often.
Just a quick suggestion: If you are feeling like you could use some improvement in your business but not sure if anything will work, or if you can even get what you want, this is the time. Trust me and my (almost) 7 years with Sensaria when I tell you that the single most effective thing you can do to help out your business is to attend a conference. Sensaria has made this possible for everyone now. Our Leadership Conference is January 10-12 in Portland, Oregon. That's just a hop skip and jump for many of us in WA, OR, CA, UT, etc. If you're not sure that's true or not, try me. Come and judge for yourself. No one leave unaffected. I'm looking forward to seeing you there!!!
Email me your class dates for December and January--I want to check in with you after your bookings to see how they are going. Need a pep talk? Have a question? Having an issue? Send me a note and we'll set up a time to talk!
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